Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cell Phone Model Tips

By Henry Matthias

Today's cell phone users are constantly bombarded with new models; more often than not, buyers just do not know which model to choose. So you won't get caught in a 'decision trap', become educated before you make your next phone purchase; some interesting buying facts are supplied in this article.

Every user will occasionally experience the race against battery life as they try to use up every ounce of power there is before recharging. Unfortunately, this can cause many problems with your cell phone battery and could shorten the life of your battery between charges to the point where you're charging more than you're talking!

The back light is the second biggest power drain of any cell phone battery but this can be either turned off or use the auto back light off function if your phone is supplied with one. When the phone is operational, it is constantly searching for a signal which is ok when there is good signal strength but if this is lost, it still tries to find a signal using more power and draining the cell phone battery in the process; the same way that long conversations do. When ever you use your cell phone; talking, playing games, listening to music, taking picture with the flash or surfing the Internet, it will drain the battery faster so limit these activities otherwise you may not be able to make that urgent call you need.

Don't forget that nothing is free and although you may have been allowed to download a few new wallpapers and ring tones when you bought your phone, if you do not cancel this, they will continue to send them to you at regular intervals and charge you accordingly. As far as children are concerned, parents should look for a facility where they can disable this feature or ensure that only the parent can order them.

When buying a cell phone with a one or two year contract or pay-per use agreement, be sure to read the fine print and consider how many minutes you plan to use each month. Only you will know how often you make calls and how long they are on average but the pay-per use agreement is probably not going to be the most cost effective if you are someone who uses the phone a great deal. Consider the features you want, as long-term plans often have more features for less money or even as a bonus, at no charge; so ask if all your features, such as caller ID, will work when roaming.

If you travel as part of your work then ensure that roaming charges are part of the contract you decide on and be careful of those hidden costs that are only noticed after you have signed the agreement. Many contracts come with an insurance warranty for the phone because it is easy to loose or damage a phone that is carried with you everywhere. You will have the assurance that it is replaced should anything untoward happen.

If you decide to buy your cell phone on the Internet, make sure it is not an old or outgoing model unless you do not mind of course; otherwise you may find it doesn't have all the features you want included.

About the Author:
Before you buy anything online, make sure you check Henry Matthias excellent free report on reverse cell phone lookup, and cell phone model You are welcome to reprint this article - but get your own unique content version here.

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